Wednesday 24 February 2010

Happy blogaversary to me ....

... Happy blogaversary to me, Happy blogaversary dear CC, Happy blogaversary to me :D

So here we are one year in - I can't believe that it has been a year already - I have truly loved every minute that I has been spent on my blog, whether that's thinking up the new ideas for clothes, shopping for new ones, meeting and talking to new friends .. I may not have many followers but I really appreciate every comment that you take time to write on my page.

Ive loved looking back over my outfits for the last year and can't wait to see how my style develops over the next ... so without further ado I present to you my fave outfits from the past 12 months;













I think that from looking at this I tend to via towards liking "Summer" clothing more and that I tend to wear a lot of brighter and pink colours in the summer.
What do you think - what are you faves?
Here's to the next blog year :D


  1. Congratulations on your one year posting! I love reading your blog every day, even if I don't always comment! What a great milestone-- here's to the next great year :)

  2. Congrats on the major milestone. Your style is fabulous. Love your use of color!

  3. Congratulations on your blogaversary! I love seeing your "best of" outfits - that dress you're wearing in October is fab!

  4. Happy Blogaversary!! wow! One year! That's amazing :)

    I was thinking about your comment today about FM and detox. To be honest I had heard of it, but nothing in depth so I went through all my textbooks. And my goodness, how strong are you dealing with this all the time! I couldn't imagine...
    I guess the thing about detoxing is that they're looking to rid the body of 'toxins' thinking that would relieve the pain i guess? Have you ever tried it? The consensus didn't sound to promising, it just said 20% of people find relief. I would find myself passing out if I had to eat that little lol.

    Anyway, congrats again on your one year blog day! I've enjoyed reading it very much. Here's to more years to come !! :)


  5. Happy blogaversary! I've only just discovered your blog, so I've missed your first year, but here's to the second, anyway!

  6. Congratulations on one year! I have so enjoyed your colorful, cheerful style and seeing the excitement leading up towards your married life. You do look lovely in your summer colors, but I'm also struck by how many great black and white patterned clothes you have. The high contrast color looks fantastic on you.

  7. Thankyou everyone for posting me a comment :D

    And welcome Shoeperwoman :D

    CC xXx

  8. yay! a year of cute stuff!

  9. Congrats on one year!!! I looove all those looks!!


Thankyou for taking time out to come and comment me up :D

I love hearing from each and every one of you!

CC xXx