Monday 18 October 2010

Ha Ha's!

Some of you may of spotted a post from me yesterday that no longer exists!

I was sulking because I was meant to be at a Guns and Roses concert with the hubby (He bought our tickets for our wedding anniversary) But I was unable to go!!
I deleted the post as it was just me having a moan :P
On Saturday night we went out for a friends birthday to a restaurant called Ha Ha's!

Me and one of my friends before going out!
What I wore:
Dress: Florence and Fred.
Cardie: Florence and Fred.
Tights: Unknown.
Shoes: Fiore.
Earrings: Gifted - Evie.
Necklace: Unknown.

This is what I wore to work today .. soon we break up for half term - this term has gone SO fast!

What I wore:
Skirt: George @ Asda.
Top: Select.
Bandeau: New Look.
Tights: Evie @ Peacocks.
Boots: Barrett's.


  1. Oh dear, I wondered why I couldn't read that post. Hope you had a wonderful weekend in the end, both outfits are lovely. xxx

  2. Sorry about the concert Sal. Anyway, you look sexy in both outfits! Hope that makes you feel better. Did you have fun at your friend's birthday?


  3. Your going outfit is lovely - I really like the lace, and your hair is styled perfectly!


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CC xXx