Friday 15 March 2013

Too old???

 At what age do you think that you are too old to be wearing short, shorts? Apart from like on holiday etc ...

 I'm in my *aherm 30's now and don't know if I should still be wearing outfits like this really??

 Do you think its OK, or do you think past a certain age you should put them to the back of the wardrobe? I don't want to look like "mutton"

I mean, personally I like the outfit (is that all that should matter??) and actually did get a wolfwhistle whilst wearing it :0 But at what age do you draw the line??

What I Wore:
Top: Dorothy Perkins.
Shorts: Tesco.
Tights: Primark.
Boots: Gifted, Orig: Pavers.
Coat: F+F @ Tesco.


  1. you look very very pretty in shorts and boots keep it up!


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CC xXx