I wore this outfit to work yesterday - the weather could not make up it's mind what to do, we had storms, sunshine, rain .. I hate it when it's like that - espesh when I'm at work - either do one or the other, We do a free flow system when the weather is OK at work, where we can do some of the lesson outside, I hate it when it's cold or spitting - it doesn't bother the kids but it does me!!
I like it to rain and then we get to stay in!! But then it means they have wet play too, so start to go up the walls a little as they can't release energy - can't win!! LOL
Hen weekend 2morrow wooooooooo am excited and so looking forward to seeing my friends .. will post outfit pics when I get back :D
Have a great Weekend everyone!
What I wore:
Trousers: Florence and Fred @ Tesco.
Shirt: Dorothy Perkins.
Vest top: New Look.
Shoes: MJ's - gifted.
Earrings: Gifted.
Have a great weekend.
You're looking better;) Maybe it's the sunshine. Even though I think it's that pretty blue top. Have a fun weekend!
Thanks I had a blast :D
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